Aquamarine Crystal Thought to enhance the happiness of marriages
Aquamarine Gemstones One of nature’s many beauties are one of the best. When you look at one of these exquisitely cut, crystal-like aquamarines crystal, you’ll feel like you’ve landed on the shore of a beautiful island and instead of looking at a crystal, you’re looking at the clear waters of your dream ocean.
The name aquamarine is derived from the Latin word aqua meaning ‘water’ and marina meaning ‘marina’, meaning ‘from the sea’. When you take a closer look at these gemstones, you’ll see why.
When we think of calm seas, and white sandy shores in the Mediterranean, Caribbean, or South Pacific, the first color that comes to mind is aquamarine. The color of the best aquamarine gems is also known as aquamarine. From light and pale blues to dark blues and even greenish blues, it’s easy to understand how aquamarine colors and gemstone got their names.
Emerald may be the most well-known of the clan of berylliums, but the semi-precious gem of aquamarine has been used for centuries for both jewelry and spiritual healing.
The color intensity is also important, with dark blue and greenish blue being the most popular, but aquamarine lovers also love the subtle tints of a lightly colored crystal-clear stone.
One of the most important aspects of aquamarine color, as is the case with most gemstone colors, is its uniformity. This means that the color is uniform throughout the crystal and there is no discernible color zoning. The Santa Maria aquamarine is one of the most highly sought-after and saturated blue gemstones in the world.
Another bright blue gemstone is the recently discovered and mined Double Blue from Madagascar.
Health Benefits Aquamarine Gemstones
Aquamarine can be used to treat a variety of ailments. It can be worn by pregnant women to protect the mother and baby. Also be used to improve the immune system, treat sore throats, prevent thyroid problems, and reduce allergic reactions. Crystal can be used in all matters related to the throat, liver, and stomach.
At work, aquamarine can motivate you, bring out your inner strengths, build relationships with your colleagues, and give you confidence to take your career to the next level.
Aquamarines tend to be very bright, clear stones, so look for stones that don’t have many inclusions, imperfections, or cracks.
The high transparency also affects the cut. Since aquamarine is a very reflective gemstone, the cut should maximize this asset. The most popular cut is the emerald or step cut, where the angles are sharp and straight to enhance the sparkle of the stone and keep the light focused on the eyes. A badly cut crystal will reduce its value.
How Much Does Aquamarine Crystal Cost?
Although aquamarine can come in quite large sizes, it is the color and clarity of the stone that determine its value. Cutters often cut the blemishes or impurities out of the stone, resulting in a smaller, more strongly colored gemstone. If a small transparent stone is saturated with deep blue, it will be worth twice its size, but if it has inclusions, it won’t be worth much.
Where does aquamarine come from?
Originally, Brazil was the primary source of the gemstone Santa Maria, but these mines have been depleted and now it’s only the color that determines the gemstone’s value. As long as it has a strong blue hue, it’s worth it. Original documented gemstones with good color come from either Siberia or Brazil!
Aquamarine crystal Species
Aquamarine belongs to the beryl group of gemstones and has a similar chemical makeup to other members such as emeralds, morganites, yellow beryls, and so on. However, what makes it unique as an aquamarine is its light-to-dark blue color with green undertones.
As one of the most sought-after semi-precious stones, it is no surprise that some unscrupulous traders have tried to capitalize on the good name of aquamarine. Brazilian Aquamarine may originate from Brazil and is sometimes used as a forgery for blue topaz. Siam Aquamarine tends to be blue zircon and Nerchinsk is more likely to be a topaz.
Aquamarine Clarity
Part of the beauty and attraction of aquamarine is its similarity to the cool blue seas, so high-quality gemstones are especially important to bring to life those dreamy images of white sand, vibrant fish, and majestic corals through sparkling blue waters.
The majority of aquamarines that are considered suitable for the gemstone market are non-eye-damaged, meaning that there are no imperfections or inclusions visible to the untrained eye.
This is especially significant because the majority of aquamarine stones are transparent and light-colored.
On the other hand, stones that do have an eye-catching inclusion are often carved into cabochon or beads or, in some cases, ornate carvings.

What does Aquamarine have to do with spirituality?
The moment you lay eyes on a big aquamarine, you’ll feel calm and relaxed. The crystal’s cool blue hue is so reminiscent of the tranquil waters of the tropical ocean that you’ll want to jump in.
Aquamarine’s water element plays a big role in the crystal’s history. Traditionally, mermaids gave aquamarine to sailors as a gift to keep them safe from drowning or to ward off sea sickness. In turn, sailors decorated their vessels with aquamarine gemstones to help calm the seas and prevent them from sinking.
Aquamarine has a strong connection to the moon. We all know how the moon affects us and the sea. Aquamarine is also the traditional gemstone of Pisces. If you are in the astrological chart of Pisces, then you should consider bringing one of these gemstones into your life!
In ancient Rome, aquamarine was exchanged between lovers as a symbol of love rather than lust. The 19th wedding anniversary is the official anniversary of aquamarine as a gemstone.
Aquamarine, like the tranquil waters and crystal clear blue sky, can help you unwind from everyday stress and anxiety. It bestows a sense of peace and tranquility, making it an ideal crystal for meditating.
Last but not least, the purest gemstones we look at and admire are aquamarine. It symbolizes the power of the gemstone to keep all the impurities out of your life, protecting you from the presence of evil.
Aquamarine dates back at least 3000 BCE and has been used as a gemstone and as an amulet in Sumer, Egypt, Greece, and Rome. The Greeks referred to it as the ‘Sailor’s friend’ stone or ‘Sailor’s stone’. The Roman philosopher Pliny wrote that ‘the beautiful aquamarine comes from the house of the mermaids’. In ancient times, it was not called ‘aquamarine’ but ‘sea green beryl’. In some ancient texts, Aquamarine was one of the ‘Seven Sacred Stones’ that were taken to sea and returned safely.
The word ‘aquamarine’ is derived from the Latin word aqua, meaning water, and the Greek word marina, meaning sea. The first record of aquamarine being used in connection with a gemstone can be traced back to 1609 with the publication of the geographer and geologist Germmarum de Boodt’s work Germmarum Et Lapidum historia.
In 1723, Aquamarine was first discovered in the Siberian mountains for the first time in recorded history.
The deposits at this site were so abundant that it quickly became the world’s largest mining site, with over seventy kilograms of high-quality gemstones being mined there in 1796.
Just a few decades later, in what is now Brazil, an immense supply of aquamarines was discovered in the country’s Marambaia Valley, along with gold, topaz, and diamonds, as well as emeralds and sapphires. This area has since supplied most of the gemstones in the world, including some spectacular examples, including the 110-kilogram, near-perfect stone discovered in 1910, from which gem cutters were able to facet 100,000 karats of high-quality aquamarines. The original crystal was so transparent that it was said to be visible from far away!
Where is Aquamarine crystal found?
Aquamarine mines in Brazil have been producing most of the world’s gemstones for almost 300 years (the 300th anniversary of the mines is celebrated in 2019) and continue to do so today.
Aquamarine ‘water clear’ stones are sourced from the mountains of Pakistan, in southern Asia. They supply some of the world’s finest stones, but miners have to climb as high as 3,000 or even 4,000 meters to get to them.
Other important aquamarine sources in Africa, Asia, Europe, and the United States include Kenya (Zambia), Nigeria, Madagascar, and Mozambique.
In Asia, Aquamarine is mined in China and Myanmar. In Europe, it is mined in Russia and Ukraine.
How is Aquamarine formed?
When molten lava or magma cools and solidifies it becomes igneous rock. Lava is on the surface of the earth and cools very quickly. Magma is underground and cools slowly. Crystals need a very long time to form and so they grow in the slow cooling magma rocks known as pegmatite. Pegmatite rock is filled with cracks and fissures. It is in these cracks that thermal activity forms crystals such as the beryl family. Beryl is an aluminum silicate mineral and, when mixed with finite amounts of other minerals, magic happens. Beryl crystals with a touch of chromium give us Emerald, and some manganese and we get Morganite or add a little iron and you produce Aquamarine.
Pegmatites are found in mountain ranges on every continent and are usually most abundant in rocks of great geological age. With all this material spread about the world you would think gemstones are easy to find but it is estimated that only 0.003% of all magma rocks contain beryl-rich pegmatites.
Aquamarine Treatments
All gemstones are in some way treated in some way. When rough rocks are taken from the earth, they must be cut and polished to make them look beautiful. However, other treatments may or may not improve their appearance. These treatments include:
- Bleaching
- Coating
- Dyeing
- Filling
- Irradiation
- Heating
- At GemSelect, we have a large selection of mostly untreated stunning blue gemstones. We fully disclose any treatments that your stone has undergone.
- Deep blue aquamarines
- Heat treatment can be used to improve the color of aquamarines. Gentle heat is used and it is permanent. It is generally accepted in the industry.
- Heat-treated blue gemstones are certainly attractive, but they are less valuable than naturally occurring untreated blue
What jewelry can Aquamarine be used for?
With a Moh’s scale of between 7.5 and 8 on the gem quality scale, which is just below sapphire and rubies, Aquamarine is perfect for everyday wear, such as rings and earrings. It can also be cut into a variety of styles, such as oval, pear, round, or emerald cuts.
Because Aquamarine is so durable and beautiful, it can withstand a lot of daily wear. However, due to its hardness, it needs to be handled with caution to avoid sharp blows. It should also be stored in a separate container from other gemstones, as it can break, chip, or scratch if exposed to harder materials.
Engagement rings are becoming increasingly popular these days, and Aquamarine is one of the most durable and beautiful alternatives to diamonds. Its cool blue color complements any eye color, and it will match almost any outfit.
Interesting facts about Aquamarine crystal
As the birthstone of March,
Aquamarine is an ideal choice for a gift for someone born in that month. Not only that, but it is also the perfect gemstone to commemorate the 19th anniversary of your marriage. There is no better way to express your love than with this precious and beautiful gemstone.
The Dom Pedro is the longest-cut aquamarine.
It was originally three feet long (almost a meter) and weighed about 45 kilos. Unfortunately, it was dropped by prospectors. The prospectors sold off two broken pieces. The largest remaining piece was called Dom Pedro after the first emperor of Brazil.
- The uncut Dom Pedro Aquamarine crystal was given to master craftsman Bernd Munsteiner.
- Munsteiner spent ten months working on the gemstone and transformed it into a 10,000-carat work of art. The Dom Pedro is now in the Smithsonian National Museum in Washington DC.
- The Romans believed that an aquamarine frog engraved into a piece of stone could bring peace to a warring party.
- In 1953, for her coronation, Queen Elizabeth II was presented with a gift from the President and the people of Brazil. It was made by the firm of Mappin & Webb. The gift included a necklace with nine large oblong Aquamarine stones and a matching pair of drop aquamarine earrings.
- The connection between aquamarine and sailors and the sea continues to this day. The U.S. Navy built a coastal patrol yacht during World War II and named it “USS Aquamarine.”
In the Middle Ages, aquamarines were made into spectacles to help people with shortsight. Even today, the German word for glasses is ‘brille’, which is derived from the mineral beryllium
Varieties of Aquamarine
Aquamarine isn’t confined to a single shade; its spectrum includes delicate blues, vibrant greens, and everything in between. Some varieties, such as Santa Maria and Maxixe, possess distinct features that make them highly sought after by collectors and connoisseurs.
The term “aquamarine” is a fusion of two Latin words: aqua, meaning “water,” and marina, meaning “of the sea.” Legends suggest that the mineral beryl, from which aquamarine is derived, grants the wearer protection in battles or legal disputes, fostering invincibility, amiability, and heightened intellect. Today, designers, artists, and carvers favor aqua due to its hardness, transparency, and the availability of sizable stones.
Colors, a light green-blue to blue variant of beryl, typically exhibit a light to medium tone. Its most prized hue is a vibrant, medium-blue to slightly greenish blue.
Clarity Aquamarine crystal:
Aquamarine crystal is often found in the form of large, well-formed crystals that are relatively free from impurities, adding to their value among mineral specimen collectors. While some crystals may contain liquid inclusions, finished gems generally exhibit few or no clarity characteristics.
Major Sources:
Brazil has stood as the primary hub for high-quality aqua gemstone crystals since 1811, particularly in the northeastern Minas Gerais region. One noteworthy find in 1910 weighed a whopping 244 lbs (110 kg). Pakistan also plays a significant role as a producer of aquamarine.
Major Sources:
The principal contributors to the aquamarine supply include Brazil, Pakistan, the United States, Uruguay, and Zambia.
Mineral Aquamarine belongs to the mineral family Beryl and boasts a Mohs hardness rating of 7.5 to 8, signifying good durability.
Showcasing hues from greenish blue to a serene blue, aquamarine captures the essence of its name, derived from the Latin words “aqua” meaning water, and “marina” meaning the sea.
How to care for Aquamarine
- The hardness of aquamarine (between 7.5 and 8 on the scale of Mohs) makes it very durable and does not easily scratch. It is durable enough for almost any type of jewelry.
- One of the most sensitive gemstones is aquamarine. It is sensitive to chemicals like ammonia, alcohol, and many acids, so keep it away from sources of high or high heat.
- Don’t keep your gemstone in direct sunlight, as it can cause some to fade.
- Wrap your gemstones in a soft cloth or inside a fabric lined jewelry box to prevent scratching.
- Rinse your gemstone thoroughly with soapy water followed by a well rinsed one.
- As with many gemstones, you should never use ultrasonic cleaners or steamers on aqua.
- Removing jewelry and gemstones before exercise, cleaning, or engaging in strenuous physical activity such as sports
How do you know if an Aquamarine is real?
A certified gemstone is the best way to start, but this isn’t always possible, especially when you’re looking for a good gem or a good deal!
The first thing to check is the color, as aquamarines come in a variety of shades of light sky blue and deep ocean blue. Anything else should be a red flag that something isn’t quite right. Other well-known blue stones aren’t aquamarines, though.
As you can see, aquamarines are very hard. Scratches on the surface of the stone may indicate that it’s made of glass or a lower-quality stone. On the hardness scale of nearly 8, aquamarines won’t scratch your fingernails or even your penknife!
Most aquamarines are eye-clean. You won’t see any blemishes bubbles or material inside the stone.
How do you know if an Aquamarine is of good quality?
Like all gemstones, aquamarine quality is determined by the 4 Cs. Color, clarity, cut, and carat. In the case of aquamarine, color is of the utmost importance. Of course, personal preference matters, but the deep saturated blues command the highest prices.
Because of the light and soft colors of aquamarines, clarity is of the utmost importance when selecting an Aquamarine Gemstone. There must be no imperfections.
A beautiful crystal clear aquamarine can easily be damaged by a subpar cut, so make sure you choose a well-cut aquamarine to reflect its brilliance, clarity, and color change potential. The rectangular or square cut is a popular choice for aqua emeralds, but you can choose any shape and this durable gem is also capable of fancy faceting, especially in large sizes.
The last but not least factor is the carat, which is perhaps the least important factor to consider when choosing an aqua stone. Carats are relatively common in large stones, so don’t sacrifice color, clarity, and cut for a large stone.
Q: What is an aquamarine crystal?
Answer: A kind of beryl mineral called aquamarine crystal is distinguished by its blue-to-blue-green hue. It is valued for its transparency and purity and frequently occurs in hexagonal crystals.
Q: Where are aquamarine crystals found?
Answer: Around the world, aquamarine crystals may be found in Brazil, Madagascar, Nigeria, Pakistan, and the United States (Colorado and California).
Q: What is an aquamWhat are the metaphysical properties of aquamarine crystals? marine crystal?
Answer: It is said that aquamarine gemstones provide relaxing and soothing qualities. They are linked to bravery, effective communication, and stress reduction.
Q: What colors can aquamarine crystals come in?
Answer: The color of aquamarine crystals varies from pale blue to blue-green. The most valuable stones have a distinct blue-sky color.
Q: How is aquamarine crystal used in healing and spirituality?
Answer: In crystal healing, aquamarine stones are utilized to support self-expression, improve meditation techniques, and create emotional equilibrium.
Q: What are some popular uses of aquamarine crystals?
A common application for faceted aquamarine crystals is in jewelry, such as bracelets, necklaces, rings, and earrings. Aside from being beautiful, they are also gathered as specimens due to their metaphysical qualities.